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Escreveu-se por sobre o relatório TALIS e eventuais ilações sobre o facilistmo dos exames.

Ora lá fui ver que relatório é esse. O TALIS é uma espécie de sondagem que mistura perguntas factuais com outras de opinião a um conjunto de professores. É composto por dois questionários (Teacher Questionnaire e Principal Questionnaire) e a própria OCDE define-o como sendo

«TALIS is the new OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey. It is the first international survey to focus on the learning environment and the working conditions of teachers in schools and it aims to fill important information gaps in the international comparisons of education systems. TALIS offers an opportunity for teachers and school principals to give their input into education analysis and policy development in some key policy areas. Cross-country analysis from TALIS will allow countries to identify other countries facing similar challenges and to learn from other policy approaches. The survey is currently being conducted in 24 countries across four continents, and other countries may join the survey at a later stage.»
Escapa-me assim a relevância deste estudo para a existência ou inexistência de facilitismo nos exames. Como facilmente se verifica pela leitura do sumário alargado para Portugal.

Já a leitura desse sumário alargado para Portugal é bastante mais interessante para se concluir sobre o que pensam os professores portugueses do seu sistema educativo:
Professional development of teachers
- Nearly 25% of teachers in Portugal paid all of the cost of the development they received, this is the highest percentage among TALIS countries (TALIS average= 8%) and only 25% (the lowest percentage among TALIS countries) received scheduled time allocation for undertaking the development (TALIS average= 63%) [Table 3.5].
- Unsatisfied demand for more development is above the average for Portugal: 76% teachers wanted more development than they received (TALIS average= 55%) [Table 3.3].
Não reparei que o trio educativo comentasse estes dados...